Cilantro Lime Chicken

Cilantro Lime Chicken

Cilantro Lime Chicken

A simple marinade that makes for great tacos or just pair simply with rice and veggies.




Marinade Preparation

  • Grab a large bowl to prepare the marinade in
  • In your bowl juice all 8 limes
  • Add 4-5 juiced limes
    (save the rest for the grill or smoker)
  • Rough chop the cilantro
    (reserve some for garnish later if you want to be all fancy)
  • Mince 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Add a good drizzle of olive oil
  • Chop 2 shallots
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • Add 1 cup of water
  • Stir everything up in the bowl to make sure it is well mixed
  • If your bowl is large enough just add the chicken to the bowl if not transfer chicken and marinade to a large bowl or large ziplock backs
  • Let marinate for at least 4 hours (longer is better, I usually let it go over night)


Cooking Your Chicken

You can cook this chicken in a few different ways:


  1. Smoking the Chicken
    1. Remove the chicken from the marinade and place on the grill grates
    2. OPTIONAL (but preferred): Give the chicken a good dusting of Caribeque Lemon Garlic Rub
    3. Smoke at 180-225 until the chicken reaches 165-170 degrees
    4. OPTIONAL: remove chicken from smoker when internal tem is about 150 and place on a hot grill to finish
  2. Grilling the Chicken
    1. Remove the chicken from the marinade and place on the grill grates
    2. OPTIONAL (but preferred): Give the chicken a good dusting of Caribeque Lemon Garlic Rub
    3. Remove chicken when internal temp is 165-170


  1. Roasting in the Oven
    1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
    2. Remove the chicken from the marinade and place on a baking sheet
    3. OPTIONAL (but preferred): Give the chicken a good dusting of Caribeque Lemon Garlic Rub
    4. Remove chicken when internal temp is 165-170



Pair with your favorite taco/burrito ingredients or simple serve on top of rice with a side of veggies. ENJOY!

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